


Creating Product Innovation in Micro Creative Industry in Indonesia

Rd. Much. Jusup Nurgraha, Hari Mulyadi.

This study aims to analyse the factors that affect the level of creativity and innovation of creative industries in the development of entrepreneurship in Indonesia, especially micro-creative industries. This study is based on the phenomenon of the deterioration of the performance of the micro-creative industry in Indonesia. Factors suspected to influence on the research is the ability to analyse customer desire from co-creation experience, development of creativity and innovation ability in product innovation, this research method using interview technique to owner of micro creative industry umbrella painting, bamboo and woven mendong in area Tasikmalaya Indonesia as many as 156 owners have been collected and then analysed by using SPSS, SEM (AMOS) model, the results show two independent variables partially influence the innovation of micro-creative industry products in Indonesia, implying that to create, innovation of new products that have added value must be based on the collaboration between customers through their experience with the enhancement of creativity and innovation capability in the internal micro-creative industries of Indonesia.
