


The Political Attitude of the Underbow Organization of Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) during the Internal Conflict Ahead of 2019 Election

Kunkunrat, Samugyo Ibnu Redjo, Muradi, Dede Sri Kartini

The phenomenon of internal conflict that occurs in political parties seems to diminish the Hope that political parties will be able to become institutions that strengthen the democratic process. Differences in political attitudes and political views relating to party policies on issuesrelated to the public interest. Several internal conflicts have occurred in severalparties, including the Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS). This study focuses on political attitudes ofthe Underbow Organizationof PKS such as organizational ideology and interactions with internal parties (party elites) and external parties during internal conflicts leading up to the 2019 Election and considers trends or possibilities that will occur in the future after internal conflict. This research is a qualitative research with descriptive analysis method. With the source of the data in this study were collected through observation based on activities and events in the field and in depth interviews with informants.This research conclude sthat:(1) Managinganideological party base requires seriousness of cadres in recruiting and regular coaching is required sothat ideological values can be maintained. Parties need to be responsive in responding to the dynamics of politics and the times, without eliminating party ideology as the basis of movement.; (2) The foundation in the interaction built by the underbow with the Party elite when there is an internal conflictusing persuasive approach and built some discussion withexternalparties; (3) Towards a post internal conflictfuture,theUnderbow must be more independent, solid and more mature. The younger generation must have the opportunity in party management because the party needs young cadrestopushfor a change after an internal conflictoccurs.
