


The Nexus between Marketing Mix Components and Retailer Satisfaction An Empirical Analysis

Ajith Kumar S, Senthil Kumaran N, Ramesh Babu S and Antony Vinisha R

The components of the marketing mix must have a favourable effect on retailers’ attitude and satisfaction in order to achieve successful marketing outcomes. Businesses can customize their marketing techniques to raise retailers’ satisfaction and promote a positive attitude by taking into account their unique demands and preferences. The study's primary goal is to evaluate how well the components of the marketing mix affect retailers’ attitude and satisfaction. A total of 351 retail stores provided responses. A structured questionnaire has been used to investigate the retailers’ in order to better understand the various factors that influence them, which have been found to be product, place, pricing, and promotion. The RARS model is represented by structural equation modelling (SEM), which is based on dependent and independent factors, in order to assess the effects of independent variables on retailers’ attitude and satisfaction levels. The findings showed that the three components of the marketing mix—product, pricing, and promotion—had a direct impact on retailers’ satisfaction. The findings also showed that the pricing component of the marketing mix influences retailers’ attitude.