


Provision of Economic Security of Entrepreneurship on the Basis of Strategic Alignment Considering Future Parameters of the Business Environment

Mishchuk Ievgeniia, Pohrebniak Anna, Lyshchenko Elena, Skliar Nadiia, Tiulenieva Yuliia

The article develops a methodological approach to providing economic security of entrepreneurship on the basis of strategic alignment considering future parameters of the business environment. It is substantiated that economic security provision consists in reaching the maximum possible conformity of the current state of the enterprise with the future parameters of the business environment. This enables determining steps to be undertaken today to provide the required level of economic security in the future. The developed approach enables shaping an idea of a certain package and sequence of measures to eliminate strategic gaps between requirements of the external business environment and internal business parameters based on the logic of retrospective review from the future. The article introduces the novel system of strategic indicators – drivers of strategic alignment provision of which facilitates achievement of the required level of economic security of entrepreneurship. Analysis of Ukraine’s mining and metallurgical business demonstrates that the current conformity of strategic indicators of economic security provision with best foreign practices makes it impossible to reach the required rates of achieving parameters of the future business environment, such rates being characteristic of foreign companies. Maximum acceleration of these processes is a key factor of providing economic security of the mining and metallurgical business in the long run.
