


Prevalence of Rape Endemic and Mechanisms for its Preventions and Consequences on Victims in Nigeria

Yusuff Jelili Amuda

Rape is borderless; it cuts across developed and developing countries of the world. Nigeria is one of developing countries where the occurrence of rape cannot be denied. The pervasiveness of rape has reflected in its prevalence in Nigeria in the recent time which has led to the public outcry. It is disheartening to note that, there has not been a viable mechanism for its preventions despite the fact that the activists and women’s rights have agitated for its redress. The primary objective of this paper is to painstakingly explore the prevalence of the rape endemic in Nigeria and provide a viable template for mechanisms towards preventions of rape and other forms of sexual harassment. The methodology used in the paper is content analysis of secondary sources and relevant literatures. Selected cases were reported to show the extent by which the rape is prevalent. The result indicated that, there were 717 reported cases of rape between January and May, 2020. It is further established that, there are a number of challenges inhibiting proper handling of rape cases in the country. Similarly, the paper identified sociological, psychological, physical and health consequences of rape on the victims. There are few coping mechanisms identified in this paper which are: Social support, cognitive therapy technique, counselling response. In addition, report of rape cases and legal action are made as further viable means in solving the problem of prevalent rape cases in the country. In conclusion, the reality of rape and other sexual assaults cannot be denied and it is hence considered as one of social problems the needs to be addressed in the contemporary Nigeria. It is therefore suggested that all the stakeholders such as government, law enforcement agents, women Rights Organizations, Non-governmental Organizations and state governments should collaborate together in bringing the endemic of rape to an end by making the offenders or culprits face the consequences of their actions through the instrumentality of National Assault Hotline for complaint of sexual assault, utilizing law in prosecuting the perpetrators or offenders of rape in particular and violence against women in general.