


Political Behavior Shifting of the Naqsabandiyah Congregation in the New Post-Order Elections: Case Study Naqsabandiyah Rokan Hulu-Indonesia

Tito Handoko, Abdul Munir Mulkan, Muhammad Azhar, Mega Hidayati, Ali Yusril, Dodi Suryana

Tarekat influences politics in Indonesia, especially in Indonesian democracy. The Naqsabandiyah order also played an active role in nationalism and state activities, such as the new order's elections. Islamic groups tend to choose the direction of the party that holds the Islamic symbol and the value of Islam. The study uses a literature study method that collects data through documents, journals, and related news. This research uses a qualitative approach that aims at determining the shifting political behavior of the congregation of the Naqsabandiyah in the post-New order elections: The case study of the congregation Naqsabandiyah Rokan Hulu-Indonesia. The result of this research is that the development of the Naqsabandiyah order in Rokan Hulu is very rapidly until now, then in the post-election general elections, Naqsabandiyah Rokan Hulu's order to participate actively in the post-election general elections, the transition from choosing a party that has elements of Islam to the National Party and the influence of voters who are influenced by master.