


Enhancing Popularity of a Tourist Destination: Why Relationship Matters?

Bidyut Jyoti Gogoi

Tourism is a strategic sector which has a large contribution to the Indian GDP. There are lots of opportunities of revenue generation from this sector. The change in information technology has facilitated the proliferation of information which has benefited the tourism industry at large. It has facilitated the ease to know about any tourist location, compare and make travel plans. Any shortcoming of a location is easily identified and can be spread out within minutes through the social media. The popularity of a tourist location is dependent on the level of satisfaction a customer gets from visiting the location. The level of satisfaction comes from the exposure to various touchpoints associated with the location. The service quality associated with the touchpoints plays a great role in developing competitive edge of the location and in defining the factors of differentiation. Since popularity of tourism depends on the ecosystem on which it operates, it is important to understand the dimensions which leads to popularity of a destination. In this paper the researcher tries to understand the influence of service innovation, commitment, trust, behavioral intention and affective intention on increasing the popularity of a tourist destination.