


Consumer Viewpoint of Value Co-creation and Hedonic Value in the Hospitality Setting

Clement Nangpiire

Value co-creation (VCC) and activities that elevates the customers desire to experience fun, entertainment; novelty and excitement are considered to enhance the customer’s perception in the hospitality context. Literature available does not explicitly explain the philosophy that motivates customers and help increase the level of hedonic values during co-creation activities. In this study, the customer’s perceptive in the hospitality context are explored by understanding the role value co-creation have on customer’s hedonic values. A multidimensional value structure is used to investigate the functional components of value co-creation and the hedonic value components, such as reputational, emotional and social values. Data was collected via self-administered questionnaires from 256 tourists and visitors of hospitality facilities. Data was analyzed using structural equation modelling software. The study revealed that through value co-creation, services rendered with the involvement of customers, increase customer emotions and creates pleasant experiences leading to customer satisfaction. The study also found that resource availability, service interaction and personal conditions are significantly linked to value co-creation whiles commitment proved not to be significantly connected to value co-creation per the PLS-SEM analysis