


Cultural Intelligence Stimulating Professional Adjustment

Neha Kaleramna, Teena Saharan, Upendra Singh

Contrary to earlier studies, this paper analyzed the influence of cultural intelligence (CQ) on professional adjustment of expatriates. The stimulators were four dimensions of CQ i.e. Cognitive, Meta-cognitive, motivational and Behavioral. The paper is quantitative in nature and a structured questionnaire was used to administer the survey. The target population of this research was senior and middle level Indian expatriates working with different companies in USA and Canada. The present research contradicted the earlier researches, which stated that cultural intelligence is helpful only in personal/social adjustment of expatriates not in professional adjustment. The results clearly indicated a positive relationship of motivational CQ and meta-cognitive CQ with professional adjustment of Indian expatriates. The results suggest that organizations must select those employees for expat assignments that long-for changes/challenges, and should train them to improve cross-cultural consciousness eventually leading to better professional adjustment at foreign locations.