


Community Service Work as an Alternative Punishment in Jordanian Judicial System

Wael Qutaishat, Ali Al Zubi, Haytham Shehab

The current study aimed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the punishment of work for community service in embodying the social reintegration policy of the convicts compared to the punishment of short-term imprisonment in the light of Article (25) bis of the Jordanian Penal Code No. 16 of 1960, added under the amended Law No. 27 of 2017. The study showed that Community service punishment is one of the most important alternative punishments, and it is distinguished from other alternatives in that it enhances the community’s contribution to the field of criminal justice, and keeps the convict connected to the outside world so that he does not lose his work. We suggested that the judicial authorities dispense with the short-term freedom- depriving punishment, or at least try to reduce it, because it involves several disadvantages, which does not achieve deterrence, by resorting to alternative punishments whenever they contribute to reforming the deviant person, and commensurate with his condition, especially working to serve society, because this punishment achieves greater benefit in reforming the convict.