


Community Satisfaction in Public Services during the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach

Hardiyansyah, Maulana, Emiyati

This study aims to analyze the community's satisfaction with the public services provided during the COVID-19 pandemic at the Regional General Hospital (RGH) Dr. H.M. Rabain Muara Enim. Data were collected through questionnaires distributed to 347 respondents. This study employed the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) on LISREL 8.8 to analyze the data. Results unveil that the level of community satisfaction with the services provided in the emergency room (ER) department was highly satisfactory. The attribute most perceived by the community related to service satisfaction in the ER is service speed, procedure simplicity, and cost affordability. Almost all service attributes are highly expected, and the organization has performed optimally, and hence the services in the ER are satisfactory. At the inpatient unit (IU), the quality of service was acceptable. Attributes that affect the quality of service at IU is the complaint system. At the same time, the quality of service in the outpatient unit (OU) is on the responsibility and ability. Responsibilities and service capabilities that have been given to the community or outpatients have been in accordance with expectations.