


Automation of audit processes and what to expect in the future

Khaled Adnan Oweis

This study attempts to discuss the impact of processes automation in the audit function, as automation is not limited to specific industries, in fact, almost all disciplines are adopting digital strategies partially, or even fully automated processes. Also, this study reviewed some of the most valuable perspectives on the matter in hand, in a form of a deep literature review, followed by a short summary regarding the importance of audit, as well as the audit function in general. Later in the paper, a study conducted by (Betti, Sarens & Poncin, 2021) based on a survey conducted with 82 chief audit executives based in the USA and members of the institute of internal auditors, discussing the relationship between the level of automation in the organizations, and the utilization of data analytics in the auditors firms, while touching on the rates of accuracy and error when digital methods are adopted properly. Eventually the results and conclusion are presented in the end of the study explaining the research results as well as a few recommendations on how organizations need to adopt new cutting-edge technological strategies in order for them to compete and thrive the current market.