


An Evaluation of Public Health Schemes in India: A Case Study of Maharashtra State

Gaikar Vilas B

 The significance of health is elaborated in the current research paper on the study of public health schemes in Maharashtra, India. Since it is true that “Health is wealth,” health has been frequently discussed and debated issues in recent years. According to a UNDP survey from 2018, the United States ranks 37th in the world in terms of life expectancy, while Hong Kong ranks fourth. India is ranked 133rd in entire world, with its life expectancy of 69.4 years. “A state of full physical, emotional, and social well-being of the person, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity,” according to the 1948 report by World Health Organization (WHO).

The state is a well-developed health facility that offers comprehensive health services to its citizens, especially in rural areas. The department has increasingly gained control over major diseases such as Guinea worm and small pox. At the same time, leprosy and neonatal tetanus have been eradicated in the province. Since 2011, Maharashtra’s polio immunization programme has resulted in non- identification of polio cases. More than Rs. 3965.57 crores has been invested on public health by the ministry. Introduction, study of literature, research methods, and public health schemes in Maharashtra state, data interpretation, and recommendations are among the parts of the paper.