


Agricultural Socio-Economic Window in One Project Palm Fronds Recycling in Jordan

Ahmad Yousef Areiqat, Asaad Hameed Al-Ali, & Hussein Mohammed Al-Yaseen

This research paper contends that date palm fronds are practical for recycling in Bitmus creation (organic horticultural soil) and have a decent potential as an organic fertilizer. Innovative tasks ask makers to reevaluate the utilization of these losses of crude materials, and attempt to safeguard them for organic, rural soil and organic fertilizers' fluid to be utilized for different plants and trees. This could help in safeguarding the climate and lessening the utilization of characteristic assets. The undertaking means to profit by the losses of palm trees in Al Ghor, Jordan, basically date palm fronds which are bountiful (They are by and by singed, causing contamination and damage for ranchers just as the dirt, the climate and the neighborhood network). Such fronds are changed into helpful scrounge for supplement creatures, domesticated animals, and soil fertilizers. The items from this venture will be of a high incentive for ranchers and can be accessible as an option for imported fertilizers at ideal expenses. Likewise the produce will contribute in beating the deficiency of scavenge materials in Jordan.